To Create Cash Basis Financial reports for Tax Preparer in QuickBooks

  • Open the report ( Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Trial Balance or General Ledger)
  • Select the desired date range
  • Select " customize report" button in the upper left hand corner of the report

  • Select Cash Basis in the next window that opens.

  • Select OK to close this window and when you return to the report, confirm that it says Cash Basis in the upper left hand corner. 

This will change the current report to Cash Basis...once you close it, QB will revert to default settings.

Please do this to all reports you wish to send to tax preparer.

Always double check that you are in- Cash Basis- before you print or send reports to your tax preparer. To assure accuracy, please also state to tax preparer that you ate attaching Cash Basis reports....that way, if you miss one, it will call that to their attention and they will not have to make unnecessary adjustments to put your tax return into agreement with your books. 

For more information on how QuickBooks works, call the QuickBooks Gal today at 775-348-9225. 


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