Restoring QuickBooks to XP from Vista

Welcome to another QuickBooks Gal Minute.
I'm Jayne Miller, The QuickBooks Gal.

Got a QuickBooks Mess? Call The QuickBooks Gal!

Today I'd like to discuss the tricky process of Restoring a
QuickBooks Backup File from a Vista computer to a Windows XP computer.

Our office has both Vista and XP computers. In exchanging QuickBooks files between computers, we have found that files going
from Vista to XP require a little attention to detail.

When you restore a file from Vista to an XP computer, you may find that XP defaults to restoring the backup to the source media by default; for instance if you are restoring from a flash drive, Windows XP QuickBooks will default to the flash drive and if you are not careful, you will restore to the flash drive rather than the preferred directory.

Then, when you remove the flash drive from the port and open QuickBooks, you will discover that the changes you expected to be restored are not on your computer.

To prevent this, make sure you restore to the recommended directory:
my computer>shared documents>Intuit>QuickBooks>Company Files; or restore to your preferred directory.

As a safeguard, (belt & suspenders) check your restored file to make sure you have completed the process correctly.

Please visit the QuickBooks Gal again for more QuickBooks & Bookkeeping tips.

Got a QuickBooks Mess? Call The QuickBooks Gal!

I'm Jayne Miller, The QuickBooks Gal. Thanks for your continued interest.

If you have questions or suggestions for future topics, please drop me a line at

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