QuickBooks Attachments

QuickBooks Online now allows you to upload attachments to transactions when you send them to your customers! 

What can you attach?
Everything! Receipts, pictures, checks, you can even attach bills!

How do you upload the attachments? 

There are two places you can upload attachments from: 
1) The Attachment Page: you can upload all different types of attachments here then upload them all later on the transaction you are sending
2) Individual Transaction Form: Upload the desired attachment while you are creating a new transaction

The Attachment Page:

Go to the QuickBooks Attachments page: 
Gear -> Attachments.

QuickBooks Attachments

 Upload attachments by dragging and dropping them, or click the paperclip icon

 Export a ZIP file of, or create an invoice/expense with, multiple selected attachments.

 Print a list of your attachments.

 Set the columns and rows you want to display.

 Download an attachment.

 Edit, delete, or create an invoice/expense with, a single attachment.

Transaction Form:
Create a transaction by clicking Create (+)

 click Create (+) -> Estimate to create an estimate.

On the estimate form, scroll down to the Attachments section.

You can either drag and drop new attachments, or click  "Show Existing" to see a list of existing attachments you can link to on the right side of the form.

Information from: http://quickbooks.intuit.com/blog/quickbooks-attachments-tips-and-tricks/

It is easy to upload an attachment to QuickBooks Online!

Have a question or concern regarding QuickBooks Online?
Call the QuickBooks Gal! 


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