Converting From QuickBooks for Mac to QuickBooks Online

With QuickBooks for Mac 2014 you can transfer your data to the new QuickBooks Online!

In QuickBooks for Mac, choose QuickBooks > Check for QuickBooks Updates and update to the latest revision.
After the update finishes and you restart QuickBooks, choose File > Export > To QuickBooks Online.

Then, once QuickBooks successfully copies and import your data, QuickBooks will send you an email. From there, sign in to see your data

It's that simple!

What if you don't have QuickBooks for Mac 2014?

 You can use the trial version of Mac 2014 to continue. In order to download QuickBooks for Mac 2014 Trial, you'll need Mac OS X v10.7 (Lion) or v10.8 (Mountain Lion). If you have an older version of Mac OS X, you will need to upgrade to v10.8 to continue.

Download QuickBooks for Mac 2014 Trial here:

Install QuickBooks for Mac 2014 trial and upgrade your data file.

In QuickBooks for Mac 2014, choose QuickBooks > Check for QuickBooks Updates and update to the latest revision. (If you don't see this option - you already have the updates! Go to next step.)

After the update finishes and you restart QuickBooks, choose File > Export > To QuickBooks Online

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Call the QuickBooks Gal! 


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