How To: Convert a QuickBooks Online File to Desktop Version

In order to convert a file from QuickBooks Online to a desktop version of QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, or QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions you must be logged in to QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop and opened throughout the process.

  1. Open the version of QuickBooks desktop that you will be using to convert your QuickBooks Online Edition company file. Do not open a company file.
  2. Start the QuickBooks Online Edition export interview:
    1. Go to QuickBooks Online and log in to your company file.
    2. Select the Company tab, then under More, select Export Your Data.
  3. Select an option to export Lists or Lists & Transactions, and then click Next.
    • Lists:
      1. Read the information in the Exporting Lists window. Click the print the entire list of details link, and read and retain the document.
      2. Click Next.
      3. Read the information on your screen about how to export lists, and then click the Export.
      4. In the "Create New QuickBooks File" window, select a location and enter a file name for the new company file.
      5. Click Save. QuickBooks Online Edition should start converting your data, there should be a display on the progress. 
      6. When the conversion is complete, read the information in the Final Steps window, and then click Finished.
    • Lists & Transactions:
      1. Use the drop-down arrow to select the version of QuickBooks into which you will import your online company file, and then click Next.
      2. Read the special conditions information, and then select each check box to indicate that you have read and understand the information.
      3. Click the print the entire list of details link, read and retain the document, and then click Next.
      4. Read the information in the Get ready to prepare your data window. Verify or update your name and email address information, and then click Prepare Data.
      5. Read the information about your data file being prepared, and then click OK.
      6. When you receive e-mail notification that your data is ready to download, click the Download the company file created on MM/DD/YYYY link in the Things To Do section of your company home page.
      7. In the Download Prepared Data window, select I'm moving my data to QuickBooks desktop edition, and I'm canceling my QuickBooks Online subscription, and then click Next.
        Note: This step will not cancel your QuickBooks Online Edition subscription.
      8. Read the information in the How long will this take? window, and then click Next.
      9. Click the Download button, select a location for your exported company file data, and then Save.
      10. Read the information in the Convert the data to QuickBooks desktop edition window, verify that QuickBooks (desktop edition) is running but do not open a company, and then click Convert. Note: you may receive a prompt to accept a Digital Certificate. Click Allow to accept the Certificate.
      11. In the Create New QuickBooks File window, select a location and enter a file name for your new company file, and then click Save. QuickBooks Online Edition begins converting your data and displays a progress bar on the screen.
      12. When the conversion is complete, read the information in the Final Steps window, and then Finished.
  4. Switch to your QuickBooks desktop version, and open the file you saved:
    1. Select the File menu and select Open or Restore Company.
    2. Select Open a company file, and then click Next.
    3. Browse to the location where you created the company file, select it, and then click Open.
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