CA 2009 Revised Withholding Schedules
The California Employment Development Department has published an April 2009 revision to the California Personal Income Tax (PIT) Withholding Schedules for 2009. The updated PIT Withholding Schedules are effective January 1, 2009. Intuit QuickBooks Payroll released Payroll Update 20911 on April 23, 2009 to implement these changes. The revised PIT Withholding Schedules will increase the withholding tax calculations by 0.25% for each wage bracket. No adjustments are necessary or required by the agency for tax withheld prior to using the updated calculations, although the agency is requesting that employers begin using the revised PIT Withholding Schedules as soon as possible. You may be affected if you currently withhold California income taxes from employees and make withholding tax payments in the State of California or if you currently have a valid California Employer Account Number. Intuit QuickBooks Payroll will modify the withholding tax tables in the next Payroll Up...