Do You Need an Employer Identification Number? (EIN)
Filing Taxes is difficult, which is usually where I come in. If you're new to the Business World, you may not yet know what you need. An EIN is necessary if you say 'yes' to any of these questions: Do you have an employees besides yourself? Does your business operate as a corporation or a partnership? Do you file any of these tax returns? employment excise alcohol tobacco firearms Do you withhold taxes on income (other than wages) for a non-resident alien? Do you have a Keogh Plan? Are you involved in any of these organizations? Trusts ( EXCEPT certain grantor-owned revocable trusts, IRAs, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return ) Estates Real estate mortgage investment conduits Non-profit Organizations Employee Plans If you need an EIN, you can: Go to and search for online EIN Call EIN at 800.829.4933 Fax a completed Form SS-4 to the Fax # located in the SS-4 Instructions Mail a completed Form SS-4 to the address in the SS-...